“I have Lupus and RA and IBS and CREST and Fibromyalgia and…”

This type of comment appears in scleroderma patient support groups all the time. And it is quite possible that if you were to look at the patient’s chart, this is exactly what you would see in their list of diagnostic codes.  While this list may be accurate, sometimes it is not and it’s worth spending a little time explaining why this might be the case, especially for patients with systemic scleroderma. Systemic scleroderma, as many [...]

January 27th, 2015|Categories: Educational Articles, Popular|2 Comments

Should I See a Scleroderma Specialist?

Specialist word on a business card for an experienced consultant, skilled professional or expert One of the patients that I am working with asked me whether she should go see a scleroderma specialist. It would be a very long trip and she was concerned that they might not really have anything to offer beyond what her local docs were already doing. Here is my response to her: ------------------------------------------- xxxxx, This is a great question. [...]

September 6th, 2014|Categories: Educational Articles, Popular|0 Comments